Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Guinness / IIT Technical Training Scholarship 2015/2016

Guinness Nigeria and the Institute for Industrial Technology (IIT) are offering bright, ambitious young school leavers a unique opportunity to study at the prestigious IIT, Lagos. 
The 2-years Electromechanics Course aims at equipping participants with essential knowledge and hands-on, up-to-date engineering skills required by employers in the Breweries, Food and Beverages, Petrochemicals, Oil and Gas, Engineering Services and Manufacturing sectors.

The course modules cover Analysis, Commissioning and Programming of networked factory and process automation systems.

  The participants will use modern state of the art equipment at the Institute. At the end of the course, each successful student will be awarded IIT's certificate of completion in Mechatronics. 

Applicants will undergo aptitude test & interview before final selection.

IIT entrance test for Electromechanics programme for young school leavers comes up on 7th, September 2015. Scholarships are available. 

apply now icon

For more details call the Admissions office on 09035616248!!!

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