Saturday, 15 August 2015

The Basics rules (of Alphabet) of Succeeding As a Freshman in the University

Image result for rules
Compiled by G Peter (08184843380)
A-           Accept the Tutor or Lecturer the way He/She is.
Avoid sexual attachments (at least for now, there will be plenty of time later in the future to do whatever you want to do)
Add values to people’s lives
B-            Behave well in class (don’t join the gang that always oppose the lecturer)
Believe in yourself (be confident you can overcome any challenge)
C-            Challenge your Lecturers (please note that I do not mean physical combat but intellectually astonish them)
Correct your Lecturers with Meekness (don’t prove ITK, some lecturers will actually punish you for it)
Cut down excesses (stop unnecessary spending)
D-           Dream big and Very Wild
Delight in each lecturer
Discipline yourself
E-            Endure the Challenges may that come your way
Encourage your Tutors: for them to deliver better next time they teach
Edify your fellow students and Tutors/Lecturer
F-            Fellowship with Good people (show me your friend and I will tell you who you are)
Forgive offences from fellow students quickly! (don’t enslave your creative mind to something worthless)
G-           Grow up (spiritually and mentally)
H-           Humble yourself as a child
Heavenly minded
Have something to be remembered for
I-             Identify your weakness and tackle it
Integrity Conscious (don’t tarnish your public image)
J-             Journey along with Achievers and Goal Oriented people
Judge yourself regularly (checks and balances)
K-            Know each Lecturer/Tutor very well
Key into God’s plan for your life
L-            Listen with Interest
Live an exemplary life
M-          Meditate on the word of God
Maintain the standard
Major on the Major and Minor on the Minor
N-           Never give up on your goal (finishing with a first class), Forget time wasters
O-           Open your mind to new ideas
Obey all instructions
P-            Prioritize always
Pray without ceasing
Q-           Question your Lecturer/Tutor (Never assume you know) when confused
R-            Read Wide (Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Dealers in Success)
Respect other students
Run from evil company
Require Gods presence and help
S-            Speak Intelligently and Distinctively
Soften your voice when you speak to others
Sympathize with those who have challenges
Stay focused
T-            Think positively always
Trust God
Take notes while in class
Talk less think more
Teach others
U-           Understand that each tutor /lecturer has different teaching technique
V-           Visit the Sick and Hopeless (Remember; Prioritize)
W-          Weigh your words before you speak
X-            X-ray your past failure, consider it and seek solution to its cause
Y-            Yearn for godly things
Yield to correction
Yield to correction
Yield not to temptation
Z-            Zero in on success
Zealous of good works
Zero Tolerance for immorality
Zoom into success

To your Success, Team

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